The Treatment Process.

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment process starts with a thorough assessment and evaluation, focussing on symptom severity and the impacts on quality of life and function. A detailed high-resolution ultrasound scan of the forearm and wrist is performed, mapping the structures traversing the carpal tunnel and assessing the median nerve for entrapment. An in depth discussion surrounding options for treatment then follows, including an individualised treatment plan and recommendations for achieving relief of symptoms.

The micro-invasive release procedure utilises precise and advanced ultrasound guidance to relieve pressure on the median nerve and minimising impacts on surrounding structures. The procedure requires no general anaesthetic and minimal down time, usually taking around 15 minutes. After the procedure is completed, we provide detailed follow up advice and information to guide your recovery and rehabilitation journey.

1) Initial Evaluation:

Your Doctor will undertake a detailed review your symptoms, conduct an examination and, using high resolution ultrasound imaging, mapping of the structures in the hand and wrist will be performed. Diagnostic tests, such as nerve conduction studies may sometimes be required to further confirm Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

2) Pre-Treatment Discussion:

Your Doctor will explain the procedure, its benefits, risks, and alternative treatments available. They will also address any concerns or questions you may have.

3) Anaesthesia:

Before the procedure, your hand and wrist will be numbed using a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort during the treatment.

4) Image Guidance:

Advanced ultrasound imaging is used to visualize the carpal tunnel structures accurately. This assists in guiding the procedure and ensures precise targeting.

5) Micro Invasive Carpal Tunnel Release:

Using a micro invasive instrument, your Doctor will access the carpal tunnel and gently release the pressure of the transverse carpal ligament using advanced ultrasound guidance. This step creates more space for the median nerve and tendons.

6) Closing the Incision:

Due to the modern micro invasive nature of the technique, there are no incisions on the skin, with only a single needle sized hole required. A simple bandaid is applied to the skin at the completion of the treatment.

7) Post-Treatment Care:

You will be monitored for a short period after the procedure to ensure there are no immediate complications. Your doctor will provide specific instructions on wound care and activity limitations during the initial recovery phase.

8) Follow-Up:

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to assess your progress, address any concerns, and provide further guidance on hand exercises and rehabilitation if necessary.

9) Recovery and Rehabilitation:

You will gradually resume regular hand activities, and your Doctor may recommend input from a hand therapist to aid in your recovery and help restore hand function

“We are passionate about healing hands and reducing the symptoms impacting peoples lives. Beyond treatment, we strive to educate and support patients and clinicians and we are incredibly proud that we offer such advanced and minimally invasive treatment options."


Do you have more questions about your treatment? Get in touch.